Anyone for rounders?

I watched my second ever ball game this week – NY Yankees v Seattle Mariners at the Yankee stadium in New York. It was quite an eye opener.


The first thing that struck me was the feeding frenzy that happens at the game. As soon as we got there we tucked into the (included) buffet where no one would have batted an eyelid if you returned again and again. There were piles of sweets you could take with you in little plastic baseball caps and in case you’d troughed them before leaving the building, you could help yourself to the enormous piles of pocorn, sweets and chocolate on the way out. Then at your seat, there were hot and cold running waiters to bring you more food and some who roamed the aisles distributing chocolate.

The really surprising thing about the food is that it was actually pretty damn good. I thought it was all about hot dogs but there was some beautifully cooked lamb and some rather good sushi in addition to the burgers and hotdogs (which I suspect actually had meat in them).

The game itself was surprising. Let’s face it – it is rounders only with overarm throwing. The bit that surprised me was that it is all about the throw. These guys can pitch at over 90mph and throw incredibly accurate. So even if the ball gets hit to the boundary it comes back so fast. With that in mind you’d think that the guys would actually get a move on when running from base to base but actually they sort of amble. And they are kind of chubby. Ok so the pajamas they wear aren’t exactly slimming but still…. If I was paid many millions to play once a week I think I’d make a bit more of an effort and work out in between games.

The fans are different too. British spectators are usually pretty intense – that’s because they are watching the game. A lot of the people at the game this week didn’t seem that bothered. There were a couple of girls in front of us who didn’t stop talking the WHOLE time. I swear they didn’t look round at the players. Even people who seemed to be more interested weren’t that engaged.  I guess they were more intent on stuffing their gaping maws.

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