Pyjamas for all occasions

There are many people wandering round Shanghai dressed in pyjamas. Not just popping over to the corner shop to pick up a newspaper, or picking up the post from the postbox, but actually hanging out, going about day to day activities wearing full on stripy PJs.

Here’s one example, I found this chap yesterday afternoon, nonchalantly taking his bananas for a stroll:

There’s a lot of it about. Why are there so many? Care in the community open day? Sleepwalkers anonymous? No. It’s apparently a sign of status. Wandering around in your PJs all day means that a) you can afford pyjamas and b) that you are wealthy enough not to have to demean yourself by actually having a job.

I like theĀ  idea of this. I might just try it myself. I wonder if it works with nighties.

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