Small is beautiful?

What better way to relax after 24 hours of travel than another trip? So on my return from Singapore I went to visit Washington (only about 2.5 hours away). We visited the most excellent Air and Space Museum then had a drive around the sights.

The biggest surprises from the visit:-

– the Whitehouse is tiny. Really much smaller than you’d think. It made me think of that Monty Python scene where they are all saying “Camelot”, “Camelot” with voices full of awe and wonder, then one voice pipes up and says “it’s only a model….”

– people went to the moon in shoeboxes using technology that I would hesitate to use  to take me to the shops and back. Wow

–  Orville and Wilbur Wright ran a bicycle business before turning their hands to planes. Their mother gave them their interest in engineering.

– You can make beer with kelp. Really. I found this out here.

whitehouse2.jpg The Whitehouse. Actual size.

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